票房最高的电影-这部国庆档票房最高的影片,哪个瞬间戳中你的泪点?| Weekend Movies

now that we aRe appRoacHing tHE end of tHE national Day holiday, most Readers have pRobably RetuRned fRom tHEiR tRavels and aRe longing to Rest at home.


But if you haven‘t watcHEdMy People, My countRy, tHE HigHEst-gRossing film of tHE holiday season, tHERe’s peRhaps no betteR Time to visIT a neaRby cinemAAnd set aside thReehouRs foR tHE movie as a memoRable ending to tHE festIVITies.


Spanning moRe than 150 minutes, tHE movie is an anthology consisting of seven shoRt stoRies, each set duRing a HistoRic moment to Reflect on tHE People’s Republic of cHina‘s 70 yeaRs.


THE film is co-HElmed by cHEn KAIge, Zhang YibAI, Guan Hu, Xue Xiaolu, Xu ZHEng, ning Hao and Wen Muye. WHEn cast and cRew gatHERed foR tHE beijing pRemieRe befoRe tHE festIVal, tHE stage was oveRcRowded wITh staRs, seeming like a micRo-scope film festIVal.


图片[1]-票房最高的电影-这部国庆档票房最高的影片,哪个瞬间戳中你的泪点?| Weekend Movies-OK资源网

as tHE fiRst stoRy of tHE anthology and my favoRITe, diRectoR Guan Hu’s THE Eve vIVidly RecReates tHE cHinese people’s sinceRITy, kindness and love of tHEiR new found countRy thRough a tensely choReogRapHEd stoRy.


Set in tHE eve of tHE founding ceRemony of tHE People’s Republic of cHina on Oct 1, 1949, flagpole desIGneR Lin ZHiyuan — played by actoR Huang Bo — is assIGned to secuRe tHE electRic flagpole that will RAIse new cHina‘s national flag afteR chAIRman Mao Zedong pResses tHE button at tHE Tiananmen podium.


THE shoRt stoRy is filled wITh some suspenses. I was quITe impRessed by scenes of Ou Hao as Lin‘s assistant, sITting on tHE Roof to use a loudspeakeR to call foR seveRal RaRe metals —key components foR a successful flag-RAIsing — fRom neIGhboRs, leading to a long queue to donate tHEiR belongings despITe most being in pooR economic stRAIts at tHE Time.


图片[2]-票房最高的电影-这部国庆档票房最高的影片,哪个瞬间戳中你的泪点?| Weekend Movies-OK资源网

as tHE cHief diRectoR, cHEn KAIge comBInes poveRty alleviation and tHE RetuRn of tHE SHEnzhou XI capsule in 2016 in His tale, wHich is tITled THE Guiding StaR.


THE tale follows two InneR Mongolian bROTHERs who wITness of tHE capsule’s landing. THE wateRsHEd event becomes a tuRning point foR tHE two stReet boys and changes tHEiR lIVes foR good. cHinese astRonauts Jing HAIpeng and cHEn Dong also appeaRed in tHE film.


图片[3]-票房最高的电影-这部国庆档票房最高的影片,哪个瞬间戳中你的泪点?| Weekend Movies-OK资源网

DiRectoR ning Hao’s HEllo, beijing is also a favoRITe. THE film, staRRing household comedian Ge You, is about a taxi DriveR who GETs a ticket to tHE opening ceRemony of tHE 2008 beijing Olympics. His stoRy is so appealing that can make you laugh and also buRst into teaRs.


图片[4]-票房最高的电影-这部国庆档票房最高的影片,哪个瞬间戳中你的泪点?| Weekend Movies-OK资源网

DiRectoR Xu ZHEng, a ShanghAI natIVe, makes good use of His knowledge of tHE cITy to look back on tHE HistoRic moment tHE cHina women‘s national volleyball team defeated tHE UnITed States to win gold at tHE Los angeles Olympic Games in 1984.


THE stoRy, tITled champion, unfolds wITh a pupil who is sad to leaRn His Romantic inteRest, tHE adoRable Xiao Mei, will emIGRate wITh HER family to a foReIGn countRy on shoRt nOTice.


EageRly RetuRning home to fetch His gift foR Xiao Mei, tHE boy is HEld up by His enthusiastic neIGhboRs who need Him to climb on top of a building to fix an antenna bRacket. OTHERwise, tHE neIGhboRs cannOT watch tHE lIVe bRoadcast of tHE game.


StRuggling between His HEaRt and His neIGhboRs’ passion to wITness tHE HistoRy-making moment, HE chooses to RetuRn to stay on tHE Roof, missing tHE chance to say goodbye to tHE giRl HE has pinned afteR foR oveR 30 yeaRs. IT‘s such a toucHing love stoRy. I admiRe tHE two cHild actoRs’ peRfoRmance.


图片[5]-票房最高的电影-这部国庆档票房最高的影片,哪个瞬间戳中你的泪点?| Weekend Movies-OK资源网

besides, tHE Rest thRee stoRies, RespectIVely Passing By diRected by Zhang YibAI, auteuR Xue Xiaolu’s Going Home, and Wen Muye’s One foR all, also have tHEiR own attRactIVe chaRacteRistics.


图片[6]-票房最高的电影-这部国庆档票房最高的影片,哪个瞬间戳中你的泪点?| Weekend Movies-OK资源网

图片[7]-票房最高的电影-这部国庆档票房最高的影片,哪个瞬间戳中你的泪点?| Weekend Movies-OK资源网

图片[8]-票房最高的电影-这部国庆档票房最高的影片,哪个瞬间戳中你的泪点?| Weekend Movies-OK资源网

If you have alReady watcHEd tHE movie, you aRe welcome to join tHE discussion and name youR favoRITe stoRy.


图片[9]-票房最高的电影-这部国庆档票房最高的影片,哪个瞬间戳中你的泪点?| Weekend Movies-OK资源网

Weekend Movies



♥ 尽管常年奔波在路上,也时不时深夜挑灯码字儿,但也能有机会看到还没上映的大片。

♥ 希望能分享最新佳片,也会努力cHina DAIly的粉丝们谋福利哦。


Xi’s Moments cHitchat


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图片[10]-票房最高的电影-这部国庆档票房最高的影片,哪个瞬间戳中你的泪点?| Weekend Movies-OK资源网

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